Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

When you think about what you are thankful for, you can't help but look at the road you have traveled.
Our road has been a difficult one but one I wouldn't trade.
I'm not sure this is going to make any sense and may not even be aloud, but I am thankful for that difficult road we have traveled.
I am thankful for the perspective I have.
I am thankful that my family has become closer, stronger through our difficult road.
I am a better mother, wife, daughter, and sister because of that difficult road.
I appreciate life and the little, but wonderful things.

We have two beautiful little boys that are happy and loved.
Children really do show you how to live.

I am thankful for Owen.
He has taught me so much in his young life.
He is full of love and life and happiness.
Owen is a lover. He loves to hug, cuddle, and kiss you.
I love rocking him to sleep and cuddling with him before he goes to bed.
I am thankful for Isaiah
He shows us the excitement in life.
He is always keeping us on our toes.
He is a reminder of how lucky we are to be blessed with a healthy child.
He loves his brother!
Isaiah is always very concerned for Owen when Owen is hurting
(even though he pushes Owen in the first place hehe)

I am thankful for my wonderful husband Heath.
I love you!
I am thankful that we have/are traveling this road together.
He helps me to walk slowly through this journey and take one step at a time
He is my strength and joy
Thank you for all you do for our family

Our first Thankgiving
Family Shot
 Our Second Thanksgiving
Family Shot

Please go check out the posts "In Gratitude" at to read some amazing stories and what we should all be thankful for this year!


  1. So sweet. We, as micropreemie parents, have so much to be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. You have such a wonderful family and definitely something to be thankful about!
