Monday, November 21, 2011

Memory Monday - Medi-Flight

September 19th, 2009
A day that changed our lives forever
Owen was air lifted to Oakland Children's Hospital.

The helicopter left Modesto around 2:30pm that day. We left the hospital before Owen so that we could get there around the time that the helicopter arrived. Oakland is almost 3 hours from Modesto. We got there before the helicopter.
That day was a blur once we got to the hospital.
Owen was wheeled in . . .
. . . lots of nurses running around frantically

An anesthesiologist comes in . . .
This part is the one thing I remember perfectly in my mind.
The anesthesiologist actually says, "Yuck!" when she saw Owen.
She was so surprised by how horrible he looked.
She turned to us
"I'm sorry, I don't usually say this unless its absolutely neccessary. Owen probably won't make it. We will do everything we can but prepare for the worst."
Everything after that was moving in slow motion.

The doctor told us that intubation wasn't helping. They couldn't even bag him because there was no room for his lungs to expand. His intestines were taking over and there was no room for his lungs. His arms and legs were cold and white. They said it was because all the blood was going to his vital organs.
His body was shutting down.

My mom, who is a nurse, saw Owen for the first time that day. Modesto would only let parents into the NICU and Oakland allowed any visitors. My mom just cried. She wouldn't tell me anything, which meant that I should worry. When my mom can't give me any medical information and cries, I know the situation is bad.
Owen went into surgery at 10pm. While in the waiting room, my mom did not look up. She kept her head down in prayer, prayed with me, cried. That was the worst. I knew the situation was not good. I remember thinking, "Thank you Lord for giving us 3 wonderful weeks with our son". I thought that was the end.
The doctor came out and said, "he made it through, I don't know how but he did. The next 24hours are critical". He came out of surgery around 2:30am. It was the hardest 4hours I have ever gone through.

This was the last picture I took of Owen before he got so sick. notice his large belly? You can even see the loops of bowel. I see this picture and I want to go to his neonatologist at that NICU and shove it in his face. I so badly want to go and educate him on NEC in hopes of saving other babies from this horrible disease. Owen needed to see a surgeon. This picture was taken on Sept 16 - 3 whole days before Owen was transferred. I just wish I had known then, what I know now. But again, you can't change the past

This picture was taken on Sept 22nd. This is when Owen started getting better from surgery. Pictures were not important to me. The only important thing to me was never leaving his side. I wanted to be with him every minute for fear that minute could be his last. My mother-in-law took this picture. I am so thankful she did. It just reminds me of what a miracle he is. At this point his kidneys weren't working, his Co2 levels were through the roof, he was on the oscilator, morphine, lasix, among others.

1 comment:

  1. I cried while reading this. I cannot believe the neonatologist didn't catch that earlier. Owen is such a miracle for being alive!!
