Sunday, January 10, 2016

Back Home

Well, after a few days in the hospital running tests on Owen, we are home. We don't have any clear answers and I feel a little like I'm starting a cycle over again. We are now in a new cycle and this stage is research and gaining as much information as we can. Our doctors don't have any awesome plans so we are searching for more information from others. 
Owen currently has an ulcer and most of his intestine is inflamed, dilated, irritated, and struggling with motility. The doctors have put him on medications to help heal the intestines irritation, motility, and overgrowth of bacteria. The doctors don't have a lot of information about how to help the motility. How do we get this gut moving?
We will be talking to different doctors and maybe traveling for some consults. 
Hopefully we will learn more and get the best care we possibly can for our little guy. 

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